
Who is responsible?

Jan Christlieb
Schwartzkopffstr. 4
10115 Berlin
Mobile: +49 (0) 176 9998 3308
Mail: mail [at] janchristlieb [dot] de

Responsible for the content in context of ยง 18 Abs. 2 MStV: Jan Christlieb

Disclaimer (Affiliate Links)

Any links on this website that are indicated with an * are affiliate links. That means if you click any of these links and sign up for the referenced services I get paid a bonus. It goes without saying, that I only refer you to products that I trust myself and consider high quality. Below I list all my affiliate links and their conditions:

  • Digital Ocean: With this link you will receive a 100$ credit for the first 60-days of your membership. I will earn 25$.
  • Fathom Analytics: With this link you will receive a 10$ bonus upon registration. I will receive a 25% commission on your payments.